Remaking is rethinking
Gro Rødne / Nina Haarsaker / Johanna Gullberg
Faculty of Architecture and Design. NTNU. Trondheim.
To satisfy our need to fulfil our ideaswe transport materials across
the world. To reuse or ‘upcycle’ materials from the immediate sur-
roundings is one way
towards a more resilient practice,
but could
thiswayofworking and thinking also lead todifferentorevenmore
innovative results?
We invite you to play. Using a set of instructions and the bricolage
, we will use materials considered to be waste and
make beautiful spatial interventions. By planning, making and re-
flecting simultaneously (Making
), the exhibition will
grow around us and will reflect the process.
Being open to and appreciating the unusual, the strange and the
unexpected may prevent our work from being predictable and
vacuous. What if, as Tim Ingold proposes, we pay attention to the
world rather than impose our intentions upon it?
We will chal-
lenge design habits (‘design fixations’
) and reveal new possibili-
ties forelasticways of thinking and making.
1 Bricolage: (inartor literature)constructionorcreation fromadiverse rangeof
availablethings. Oxford Living Dict.
2 Making isthinking:
3 Tim Ingold,The Lifeof Lines, Routledge, 2015.
4 ’Einstellung Effect’or ‘Design Fixation’: ‘Wheregood ideascan block better
ones,orwhenearliertransformationsand shiftsthat have had positiveeffects
can subsequently prevent furthertransformation,and havea pernicious
effect by inhibiting newwaysofseeingand thinking.’ Ray Land.Seealso:
Pictures byVegard Forbergskog,Johanna Gullberg,SvenjaWehrend
—Gro Rødne is an architect and an associate professorat the Facul-
ty of Architecture and Fine Arts, NTNU. Since 2015, she has been
the project manager of TRANSark:
. She
graduated in 1993 as an architect from the Faculty of Architecture
at NTH, and continued at the Academy of Fine Arts. Growas one of
three founders of Agraff Architects (
, and has been
aworking partner,chairandmemberof the board (2001-2016). Gro
has been course coordinator for the first year of the Master pro-
gram inArchitectureduring sixyearsand has been the initiatorand
coordinator of the master course Making is Thinking. She is devel-
oping the pilot ‘Making isThinking’asa partofTRANSark, including
an experimental learning lab.
—Nina Haarsaker graduated as architect from NTNU in 2001, after
philosophy studies and architecture studies in Madrid, Delft and
Lund. Her professional experience is from local office Arkiplan AS,
and with partner inTiPi Architecture: the last project seen at http://
aarstidshus.blogspot.no. Since 2002 she has been working part-
timeasassistanceprofessorattheFacultyofArchitectureand Fine
Arts, NTNU teaching both basic and master courses. Nina has
been course coordinator for first year students at the Master pro-
gram in Architecture since 2013, with focus on materials and tec-
tonics. She is currently in charge of cross-disciplinary idea-gener-
ating course ‘Experts in Team- Making is Thinking’, and the last
semesterof diploma master students of Architecture at NTNU.
—Johanna Gullberg is an architect. After studying architectural his-
tory at Uppsala University, Sweden, and the University of Warwick,
England, shewanted tocombine historiography with practice, and
in 2005 she graduated as an architect from KTH Royal Institute of
Technology, Stockholm, Sweden. After working at several architec-
tural firms, she made an artistic research project comprising inter-
pretationsofarchitectural historyat the Swedish Institute in Rome,
Italy, and then moved on to becoming a lecturer and researcher at
Umeå School of Architecture, Sweden. Gullberg is currently a PhD
candidateat the NTNU. Her research revolvesaround case studies
within the educational milieu Making is Thinking, which aims to
challenge architectural design habits by offering courses and
workshops that enable experiences of hands-on making and per-
formative actions.
City of constant change.
Resilient future city:
learning from temporary
Leonid Slonimskiy / Artem Kitaev
KOSMOS Architects
‘The only really constant thing is change.’
The workshop proposes the participants to design a
City of Con-
stant Change:
an architectural speculation on the resilient tempo-
rary city which easily adapts to rapid social changes: shift of polit-
ical regimes, new types of transport, population migration, mass
events etc.
Traditionally, architecture ‘built for ages’, with its’ Vitruvian ‘firm-
ness’ is inverse to resilience. Canwe re-think architecture in order
for it to be resilient and flexible?
In order to do so, the workshop will start with a research phase,
focusing on temporary utilitarian architecture of the cities, such
as scaffoldings, walkway sheds, fences and other temporary infra-
structure. These structures are the examples of truly adaptive and
resilient architecture, which appear purely out of necessity, serve
a certain purpose, and disappear/transformeasily after.
Parallel tothis, studentswill pose thequestions and formulate the
changes that challenge the cities. Examples:
- Influxof migrants on one side and ‘shrinking cities’ on the other
- Change of ideologies and political regimes
- Mass events (e.g. Olympic games), which leave unused infra-
structures after
Combining the methods learned from the ‘temporary infrastruc-
tures’ and the questions risen, the students will create a City of
Constant Change – an urban model that is
permanently temporary
and is able to adjust to the drastic changes of the society nowa-
days and in future.
—KOSMOS Architects is a virtual architectural office, collaborating
between Moscow, Basel, NewYork and Bangkok.
Key competitions, awards etc.
- Nomination Swiss Art Awards 2017.
- NIKESport Center, Moscow, 1 prize. Underconstruction.
- H.C. Andersen Museum, Denmark, 1 prize.
- Street Architecture Competition, NewYork, 1 prize (collaboration
with ‘Foam’)
- Skolkovo innovation district. Winners of1st phase.
- Queensway Competition, NewYork, 2 prize.
- Airport Interior,Yekaterinburg, 1 prize.
- Curators of exhibition Forum Basel in Swiss Architecture Muse-
um (collaboration with ‘Plan Comun’ and Andreas Ruby)
- Columbia GSAPPIncubator participants
—Key built works:
- Pavilion for Garage Art Museum. Prize ‘Best building in wood’
- EMA: renovation of an ex-factory intoan arts center.
- Exhibition ‘Hosting the Inhuman’ in MMOMA.
- ‘Thread’: wall that unites. Pavilion in Hungary
—Professional experience:
- OMANewYork
- Herzog de Meuron Basel (4,5 years).
—Teaching experience:
- AAVisiting School Moscow, workshop leaders.
- MoscowArchitecture Institute, professorassistant.
- HelloWood workshop, Hungary, workshop leaders.
- Chulalongkorn University INDA, Bangkok, adjunct professors,
leaders of design studio.