—Dianjen Lin is a London-based interdisciplinary designer with the
academic rigour of a researcher, the analytical rationality of a sci-
entist and the aesthetic sensitivity of an artist. With over 6 years of
professional experience, she has worked across system design,
research, speculative design, costume/fashion/graphic design,
filmmaking, photography, contemporary art curation, and silver
metalwork. The broad skill set has equipped her with unconven-
tional intelligenceand an aptitude forcreativecommunication and
innovative thinking. With an innate awareness of the symbiosis be-
tween humanity and nature, she believes that design should al-
ways bedrenched in sustainabilityanddignity, which has led toher
success in winning the Kering Award 2017 of Sustainability Innova-
tion for Stella McCartney. Her design trajectory has thus been fo-
cusing on ameliorating the status quo by active engagement and
interdisciplinary collaboration.
—With a background in architecture, Hannes has progressively ex-
panded his creative and theoretical boundaries as an artist. Pri-
marily active as a maker and videographer, he continuously ob-
serves his surroundings and the subconscious ethology. His films
illustrate a search for what has become of the urban landscape,
where culture has become blind to its habits and environment. His
installations and artworks aim to inconvenience the interaction
between humans and their daily objects to further question their
habits. With an abundance of interests and skills, such as specula-
tive design, architectural acupuncture, hacking, moulding, wood-
work and audio-visual arts, he conveys his concerns about a socie-
ty that has lost its self-awareness. His works and theoretical
writings have earned him to win e.g. the Henry van de Velde Prize
2015 and a numberof publications foran unconventional approach
towards architecture and beyond.
the art of inhabitation
Daniel Modol / Pati Nunez
Daniel Modol Urbanism & Architecture /
Pati Nunez Agency, ETSAB
Would you be able to live in the classroomwhere you attend class?
What is the difference between a hospital and a hotel? Can a train
bea hostel? Howmanydifferent usescanonespace haveata time?
We use the title of the famous Smithson’s book to rethink the de-
sign and uses of some spaces and provide them with more adap-
tation ability.
One of the main challenges facing our cities is to establish strate-
gies to be resilient and that means the optimization of resources.
The architectures of our cities are becoming outdated in a double
sense: because they no longer respond effectively to the people’s
new ways of life and because they are not designed with resilient
Within the universe of terms that surround the resilience, wewant
to focus on the duplication / multiplicity of uses that together with
the optimization of spaces will determine not only the great deci-
sionsof the urbandesignof thecities but themanagementofeach
of its spaces and buildings.
What role does design play in changing the new forms of manage-
ment / occupation of the spaces that surrounds us?
From foresight, sociology, communication, design and architec-
ture we are going to rethink some habitual spaces with criteria of
resilience. Are you prepared fordisruptive ideas and experiences?
Wewill start changing the art of uninhabitable right now.
—Daniel Mòdol Deltell (*1972, Lleida), Councillor for Architecture,
Urban Landscape and Heritage at Barcelona City Council and the
Chair of the Commission for Ecology, Urban Planning and Mobility.
Graduate in architecture and urban planning from the Barcelona
SchoolofArchitecture (ETSAB). LecturerattheBarcelonaSchoolof
Architecture’s Department of Urban Planning and Territorial Or-
ganisation since 1998. Author of various architectural, urban-plan-
ning and public-space projects in Barcelona, which notably in-
clude the new layout for Plaça de les Glòries, the Guineueta and
Encants markets and the urban redevelopment of the Selva de Mar
area. He has combined his professional activities with teaching at
an international level. Author of various publications dealing with
Barcelona, including: LaDiagonal, un procésurbà:el projecteurbà
en la reformade laciutatandGlòries, reforma urbana iespai públic.
In 2014 he was chosen among 42 up-and-coming architects world-
wide and for the ArchMarathon Awards for his project: The refur-
bishmentandextensionoftheMercatde laGuineueta inBarcelona.
—Pati Nuñez (*1976, Barcelona), Journalist, Curator and PR Con-
sultant. She is the Director of Open House Madrid festival of archi-
tecture and CEO of PR Agency and Intelligence Analysis Consul-
tancy Cultural Affairs Bureau. She co-curated the exhibition ‘The
Legacy of Coderch’ and has produced some art and architecture
films. Recently Pati Núñez has published the book
Pati Núñez acts as writer and cultural critic in several
publications. She also teaches courses about strategy, communi-
cation and architecture.
Pati Núñez began her career as a communication consultant work-
ing withcultural institutions such as ‘laCaixa’ Foundation or the
Mies van der Rohe Foundation. Pati Núñez has worked with pres-
tigious architects and artists and cultural institutions.
resilient future speculation
Dianjen Lin / Hannes Hulstaert
‘Resilience thinking is about understanding and engaging with a
changing world. By understanding how and why the system as a
whole is changing, we are better placed to build a capacity to work
with change, as opposed to being a victimof it.’
Resilience Thinking: Sustainable Ecosystems and People in a
Brain Walker & David Salt
What does ‘resilience’ mean to you? How do you relate to resil-
ienceon a personal level?Whatdoes a ‘resilient future’ look like to
you? How will you actualise your resilient future? How do you
make a future scenario tangible and legible forothers?
In this workshop, we will fully explore the definition, interpreta-
tion, and adaptation of resilience by inviting the participants to
share personal perceptions and examine various references with-
in the realm of art, design, literature, technology, environment,
politics, economics and systems.
By practising techniques of design sprints and scenario building,
we will conjure up possible visions of future resilience and the par-
ticipants can depict theirown fantasies via 2D and 3D realisations.
Both metadesign philosophy and design methodology are quin-
tessential elements of the workshop, everyone will be bathed in
metaphysical yet playful discourses as well as delving into new
perspectives of approaching design by processes such as rapid
prototyping, mood boarding, mind mapping and speculative de-
Our futures may be bleak and apocalyptic or auspicious and utopi-
an, in this workshop, imagination and speech shall run free while
physicaloutcomeswill be pursued and perfected. Participantsare
free to work either individually or in pairs. We would like to invite
thosewhoare keenon steppingoutofone’scomfort zone toboard
a journey of sustainable design futuring.
1 RadicalSeafarin - © 2009,Swoon
2 Revital Cohen -dog - © 2008, Revital Cohen &TuurVan Balen
3 trailerSlatonSea - © 2000-2005, KimStringfellow