Julien Ineichen
Keynote lecture
Wednesday 14 February, 19:00h
UAntwerp, Campus Mutsaard,
aula K1.6 (Dieperik)
‘ If you really want to shift a culture, it’s two
things: its habits and its habitats – the
habits of mind, and the physical
environment in which people operate.’
Ken Robinson
Thinking about newways of teaching
urbanism is essential tomeet the
demands of today’s cities. We know that,
in order to truly transform public spaces
into places of exchange and coexistence,
we need collective efforts. Simultaneous-
ly, in formal and informal learning
organizations, we identify a deepdesire to
transform the traditional teaching and
learning habits, with studio based
learning and collective processes.
But howcan we get there?We truly
believe that ourcommitment in ourown
urban environment can teach us theway
to reach this goal. As Loris Malaguzzi
said: ‘ There are three teachers for
children: adults, otherchildren, and their
physical environment. The environment is
the third teacher.’
In the1970s, the psychologist Loris
Malaguzzi explored, in the Italian city of
Reggio Emilia, this idea that the
environment is a central element of the
teaching process. His pedagogical
approach, known as ‘third teacher’, was
developed for all the publicday-care
centers of this city of160.000 inhabitants.
The success of this approach wasmeanly
spread in the Anglo-Saxon world where
many schools are now following these
principles. Becausewe believe that the
true learning process arises fromdirect
contact with the problem, its actors and
its specificities, we took the concept of
the ‘third teacher’ even further and
explore the urban environment as a
teacher whocan teach us how to build
cities. In this case, learning would be
encouraged by the physical experimenta-
tion of the space, using the Urban
Prototyping methodology, both for
concrete interventions, and for learning
processeswith students.
Thiswaswhat happened in Recife
(Brazil) in 2016, for a section of an urban
requalification project at the riverbanks of
the Capibaribe. Thisworkwas conducted
by a research teamof the Federal
University of Pernambuco (UFPE), the
INCITI - Research and Innovation for the
Cities, in partnershipwith the city hall.
The twocoordinators of this research
team are co-founders of the En Commun
association. The experiment began with a
three-days in-situ residence that had, as
first objective, to reveal themain
problems of this specific space and to
associate its different actors. Afterwards,
during four months, twenty-two
collaborativeworkshops of two types
were released: training workshops and
public space occupation. With the
training workshops, the idea wasmainly
to address the informal traders — object
of numerous conflicts —, to integrate
them in a process of organization and
formalization. With the public space
occupation workshops, themain
objectivewas toencourage the
involvement of the residents. This cycle of
participative processwas finalized with a
twoweeks urban prototyping workshop.
The ephemeral urban construction on 1:1
scale allowed the INCITI team to test the
project: verify the feasibility of the
proposal and see if it responded to the
problems, and did not generate new
All stepswere coordinated by
INCITI’s ‘practitioner-researchers’,
realized by dozens of students and DIY
experts, and supported by technicians of
the city Hall and local inhabitants.
From this case studywewant to
discuss, in this keynote, the tactical
urbanismapproach through the eyes of
the ‘third teacher’ and describe and
understand how the urban prototyping
method can contribute to improve the
learning process of urban planners and
architects. The content of thiscontribu-
tion has been presented for the first time
in 2017 at theArchitecture Connects Inter-
national peer reviewed conference of the
association of architectural educators.
1 CannonDesign,VSFurnitureandBruceMauDesign,
TheThirdTeacher:Acollaborativeproject, (NewYork:
2 C.Edwards,L.Gandini,andG.Forman,Icento
all’educazionedell’infanzia (Junior,2010).
3 RomainGallart,JulienIneichen,L’activation:une
stratégiedecoconstructionduprojeturbain? (Paris:
4 RomainGallart,UrsulaTroncoso,JulienIneichen,
thethirdteacherconceptto improve learning
processes. (Oxford:ArchitectureConnects,aae
Urban prototyping:
when tactical urbanism
meets the third teacher concept
to improvelearning processes
Intervention (INCITI)↓
Collaborativeprocess (INCITI)↓
Leonid Slonimsky / Artem Kitaev
Lunch lecture
Thursday 15 February, 12:30h—13:00h
UAntwerp, Campus Mutsaard,
aula K1.6 (Dieperik)
Lecture, describing thework of KOSMOS,
our research projects and inspiration. The
focuswill be done on temporary
architecture, infrastructures and public
shared spaces.
↓ Don’thurtus (RuthMorrow)
Ruth Morrow
Opening keynote lecture
Monday 12 February, 10:30h—11:30h
KdG, Campus Zuid,
Aula Parein
Drawing on experience of diversematerial
and socio-political practices, this lecture
will present a list
of themes toexplore and test the term
‘resilience’ and discusswhat skills,
thoughts, and positionswe as designers,
professionals and citizensmight
contribute in order todevelopcultures of
resilience in our locale.
Rock, paper, scissors:
cultures of resilience
Henry Ng / Isaiah Miller
Lunch lecture
Tuesday 13 February, 12:30h—13:00h
UAntwerp, campus Mutsaard,
aula K1.6 (Dieperik)
In 2015, weworked with NYC Planning
and the Office of Emergency Management
todevelop a publication called NYC Risk
Landscape, which was the first hazard
mitigation guide to be published by a city
planning agency. Our lecturewill discuss
the process of developing the guide and
working with city agencies to tackle the
challenges of climate change.
Making NYC
risk landscape