HET DUO MAGAZINE UNIVERSITEIT ANTWERPEN 40.2021 21 “Communicatie over onderzoek naar het brede publiek is vandaag een beleidsdoelstelling van UAntwerpen”, zegt Filip Lardon ( l .). University of Flanders gives hope with science The truth exists, and you can find it online. Scientists fromall Flemish universities use videos and podcasts to explain a range of topics on the website of the University of Flanders. Why does 5G work better than 4G? How can amunicipality tackle poverty? Am I lazy because I am too smart? Editor-in-chief Katleen Bracke is as passionate about science communication as Filip Lardon, cancer research- er and vice-rector of Service to Society at UAntwer. ‘You give hope with science’, motivates Lardon. Bracke: ‘These days there is doomsay- ing in our society, while science stands for progress.’ According to the duo, it is crucial in science communication to teach people to think scientifically, with developing insights as the basic paradigm. ‘By admitting a littlemore often that what we know today may be different tomorrow, we increase our credibility.’ www.universiteitvanvlaan- (info in Dutch) E