Faculty of Law

9 Master of Laws / LL.M. The Master of Laws is an English-taught master programme that explores international and European law on the basis of problem- oriented education and legal research. Topics such as multi-level governance, commercial transactions, sustainable development and human rights are addressed. The participation of international teachers and students provides a unique perspective and interesting interactions. There is also a close cooperation with a number of universities abroad and other external partners, for instance in the ‘legal clinic’. Advanced Master in Tax Law The Advanced Master in Tax Law is, just like the Master of Tax Law, a specialisation programme in tax law. However the advanced programme can only be followed by students who have already obtained a master’s degree in law or in economics. In addition to a master dissertation, students can customize their study programme. Students can choose between a general programme, or an orientation toward individuals and the self-employed on one hand, or on enterprises on the other hand. Master of Tax Law Students who wish to specialise in tax law immediately after the bachelor programme can pursue a Master of Tax Law at the University of Antwerp. This programme is taught in Dutch. The study programme was designed with the specific needs of the tax professions in mind. This specialisation makes room for the acquisition of extensive competencies in tax law. The skills training focuses on tax strategy. Specific attention is paid to intranational and international comparative law, and also to the ever- increasing influences of European and international law on tax law. #uantwerplaw