Faculty of Law

7 The Law Enforcement Research Group aims to determine – both for private law and for criminal (procedure) law – which sanctions can be used and under which conditions. The research group examines which sanctions are most appropriate for the effective enforcement of private and criminal law standards, and looks into ways to make the administration of criminal justice more coherent. Law and Development The Law and Development Research Group studies the role of law in enhancing human dignity and global justice, both within states and between states in the North and the South. The research group takes a critical approach to law and defines what law actually ‘does’ in a society, through interdisciplinary and empirical research. There are two lines of research: Human Rights and Global Justice; and Law and Sustainable Development. Diversity and conflict are recurring themes in both lines. The Antwerp Tax Academy, an inter-faculty institute for tax science founded in 2012, is a collaboration between the Antwerp Management School and various faculties and institutes of the University of Antwerp: Faculty of Law Faculty of Arts Faculty of Business and Economics Faculty of Social Sciences Faculty of Science - Department of Mathematics and Computer Science Institute of Development Policy The social aim of the Antwerp Tax Academy is primarily to promote, facilitate and conduct multidisciplinary fundamental and applied scientific research, and also to develop and support multidisciplinary academic education. This includes specific course units, but also short and full study programmes on taxation. The Antwerp Tax Academy is an open, pluralistic and multidisciplinary platform for cooperation between the academic world (universities and colleges) and society (governments, companies, interest groups, etc.) to develop and acquire insights into taxation, based on multidisciplinary scientific research. This way, the Antwerp Tax Academy aims to contribute to tax science and therefore to society. Discover all our research initiatives: www.uantwerpen.be/research-law