Faculty of Law

3 Mission The Faculty of Law of the University of Antwerp is a thriving academic community situated in the heart of Antwerp and includes more than 2.000 students and 340 employees. Our faculty focuses on education, research and societal commitment, with a particular emphasis on sustainability, diversity and internationalisation. Societal commitment has always been part of our faculty’s DNA. The Faculty of Law takes social perspectives into account in research and education, as well as in staff management and organisation. We also put our expertise at the service of society, ranging from postgraduate courses and socio-economic policy-making, to involvement in non-profit organisations and social debate in general. Active pluralism is our guiding principle. Antwerp’s law faculty is strongly committed to competence-based education in smaller groups. Law is always placed in its proper context and we pay particular attention to internationalisation. In addition to our bachelor and master programmes in Dutch, the Faculty of Law also offers two unique programmes: the Master of Laws programme (in English) and Flanders’ only master programme in Tax Law. Our range of continuing education courses includes an advanced master programme in Tax Law and a wide range of postgraduate training courses. Table of Contents Mission . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Research . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Education............. 8 Internationalisation . . . . . . .10 Faculty & Society . . . . . . . . 12 Nexus............ 13 Our initiatives . . . . . . . . . 14 #uantwerplaw Visit our website: www.uantwerpen.be/law