Faculty of Law

14 Pharus Initiated by the University of Antwerp’s Faculty of Law, Pharus supports governments, authorities, businesses and organisations with navigating the complex legal environment and guides their projects to a safe haven. Pharus unites the forces of the Faculty of Law’s leading academic experts and specialists from other faculties to deliver tailored, research-driven guidance. However complex the question, our clients and partners know they can rely on the deepest and most up-to-date knowledge with the broadest perspective for answers they can trust. International Student Mobility Fund Studying abroad is not a given for every student. This is why the Faculty of Law, together with the University Fund, has established a support fund for international student mobility, with a focus on supporting international mobility for outgoing and incoming students with insufficient financial capacity. With a donation you give law students the opportunity to develop their talents on an international level. You can make a donation to the account number of the University Fund: BE42 7310 4624 7854. Make sure to mention “Faculty of Law International Student Mobility.” Donations of € 40 or more are tax deductible. Furthermore, you can include the University of Antwerp as a beneficiary in your will and specifically mention the purpose for which you want to donate, for example research that you wish to support. You can also set up a named fund and thus support a specific theme financially. Discover how Pharus can help you: www.uantwerpen.be/pharus You can make a difference today for tomorrow: www.uantwerpen.be/law-fund