Making Mutsaard

15 14 Ceci n’est pas un atelier (This Is Not A Studio) On de-schooling the Art School By means of its structures and pedagogical procedures most art schools define visual art practice as studio-based. Art schools embrace the studio as the site par excellence where the (controllable) production of art takes place. Art, in other words, is taught and hence made in the studio. Doesn’t the current post-whatever era of post- media-and-whatelse art and post-studio practice force us to reconsider both the conceptual confines of art production in general, and the spatio-temporal framework of the studio – the locus of study – in particular? Are we still dealing with a localized, withdrawn, private place or are we rather facing an open, nomadic, shared setting/set of –ever- interchangeable conditions? Mark Luyten Een tekst van MARK LUYTEN