IDW 2020

26 27 Els Dietvorst Els Dietvorst (°1964) is a socially engaged artist, who uses her visual work as a means of creating social involvement. She graduates from the Sint Lucas School of Arts in Antwerp and holds a Master of Fine Art from the LUCA School of Arts in Brussels. Dietvorst lives and works in Ireland since 2010. Even in her socially focussed work, Dietvorst finds ways of expressing herself in a highly personal manner, making use of an incredibly wide range of media; along with sculptures and installations, drawing, writing and recently through the creation of visual installations. Her work is focussed on the myriad forms of social communication and interpersonal relationships and conflicts, which she expresses in striking social- artistic projects, such as The Return of the Swallows in the Brussels Midineighbourhood. The position of the outsider is something Dietvorst specifically focuses on, directing her gaze – sometimes over the span of several years – towards those persons and events that would otherwise go unnoticed. At any given moment she can be found collecting these types of snippets and fragments, assembling them in her pieces. This isn’t necessarily to point out injustice, rather her purpose is to personally develop an understanding, to keep track of the bigger picture, and contextualise different events. Her summaries of reality are a visual archive, serving as both mirror and a chamber for reflection. Her sculptures too, − crafted from perishable materials such as wood and loam − direct the gaze towards social circumstances such as war, famine and the refugee issue. This is how, for example, the “Skulls” series was created. The skulls allude to the violence of war, but also point towards the existential experience of dying, a process shared and suffered by all. In september 2015 she was selected for the Moscow Biennal of Contemporary Art along with Luc Tuymans(B), Fabrice Hyber(F), Liam Gillick(USA), Gabriel Lester(NL), Li Mu(CN). In 2017 she was chosen by an international jury to win the 2-yearly Evens Arts Prize 2017. In 2018 she won the Prize for Anthropology and Sustainable Development at the prestigious International Jean Rouch festival in Paris with her documentary film ‘I watched the white dogs of the dawn’. Roland Fuhrmann Studio Roland Fuhrmann (Berlin) . Roland is a visual artist and researcher, based in Berlin. He studied Fine Arts at Burg Giebichenstein Art School in Halle and at École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts in Paris. Since 2018 he holds a PhD in architecture from the Technical University in Dresden for which he received the Kurt Beyer Award. His multidisciplinary artwork includes installation, sculpture, video and photography, exposed in many international exhibitions and museums. He has realised over 25 permanent public art works after winning competitions: in universities, public buildings and spaces in Germany and abroad. He has held lectures and workshops at the University of Antwerp, EPFL Lausanne, Muthesius Art School in Kiel, Burg Giebichenstein Art School in Halle, BTU Cottbus, TU Dresden and at the 5ICCH in Chicago. Most recently, he has exposed Palombières in France and Berlin, showing his research on atypical tree houses built by pigeon hunters in the south of France Iga Górniak Ola Mirecka and Iga Górniak grew up in Poland and both studied Design at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw. After completing their studies, Ola moved to London, where in 2012 she graduated from the Royal College of Art and in 2014 she moved to Denmark to work as a designer with LEGO Group. Iga joined LEGO Group as an intern in Denmark after completing her studies in Warsaw and later enrolled at Kolding Design School to study Design for Play graduating in 2019. Despite their parallel design journeys, they met for the first time in Denmark. As children, we explore the world through imagining, creating and experimenting. Ola and Iga believe that as adults, there’s no need to stop this boundaryless approach to creative thinking. Working together under a name Iglo Project they use play elements to create experiences, workshops and exhibitions that provoke thoughts and engage users in various interactions. Alongside this collaboration, both designers run their own independent companies sharing the studio space. Julien Ineichen Julien Ineichen is an architect- urbanist graduated from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, with a PhD in architecture from ENSA- Marseille and UFRN-BR. He is an independent practitioner interested in the topic of collaborative conception of the urban environment. Julien Ineichen is co- founder of En Commun, an association of practitioners who aim to provoke the citizen engagement in the fabric of the ci. Active for more than 10 years in the re-characterization of the river Capibaribe’s shores in Recife (BR), Ineichen is involved in the conception of participatory project involving citizens in urban prototyping process. He is also active in the implementation of transdisciplinary projects involving public administrations, civil society initiatives, economic actors and universities. Diego Inglez de Souza Diego Inglez de Souza (São Paulo, 1978) is an Architect and urban planner by the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of University of São Paulo (2003), PhD History and Architecture (FAU-USP/Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne, 2014). Assistant curator of the X International Architecture Bienal of São Paulo (2013), teacher of Catholic University of Pernambuco (2014-18), fellow researcher at School of Architecture of University of Minho (2019-22). Author of Reconstruindo Cajueiro Seco (FAPESP/ Annablume, 2010) and several articles and papers on Brazilian and European journals, magazines and exhibition catalogues. JQTS JQTS is an architecture studio working between Lisbon and Hamburg. The office’s work consists in a serial research into the open field of architecture combined with a process of learning from the empirical knowledge. João Quintela is graduated in Architecture from Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa and Politécnico di Milano. Currently develops his PhD at Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid. Between 2012 and 2017 was teaching assistant at UD Campo Baeza at ETSAM and currently is teaching at UAL. Tim Simon is graduated in Architecture by Universität der Künste Berlin and Universidade Autonóma de Lisboa. Currently develops his PhD at HafenCity Universität Hamburg. Between 2015 and 2017 was teaching assistant at the Technische Universität München and currently is teaching at the HCU. Lula Marcondes Partner at O Norte – Oficina de Criação , Lula graduated in Architecture and Urbanism from the Federal University of Pernambuco (1997), with a Master’s degree from the University of Texas at Austin, USA (2007). He has worked and is currently associated with the CMPBS (Center for Maximum Potential Building Systems) in Austin/Texas, one of the oldest American NGO’s dedicated to sustainable practices in design. In 2010, he worked on the team of Michael Reynolds, the American architect who created Earthship, an integrated off-the-grid building system. Since 2014, he has been a professor at the Architecture Department of UNICAP (Universidade Católica de Pernambuco) . In 2014, he co-founded AtelierVivo , a collective focused on design- build interventions. Lula is also a musician and a painter. Laura Meulemans Laura Meulemans is appointed as a mandate assistant at the University of Antwerp, Faculty of Design Sciences, Architecture, Interior Architecture and Urbanism. As an architect-researcher she developed a strong interest in the city as a condition and architecture as part of contemporary socio-spatial challenges. This interest in she continues to develop in her doctoral research on the social-spatial employability of commoning practices in suburban densification strategies. Within the bachelor program of Architecture she teaches ‘Initiation Design’ in the first bachelor. Here she points out to students to not only gain insight into the design of ‘spaces’, but also learn to think about what these spaces bring about and ‘leave behind’ (built VS unbuilt). In addition, she has experience in the architectural practice (Guerrilla Office Architects, cuypers & Q Architecten), where as a project architect she was responsible of the internal and external communication, the organization, design and project follow-up of various (mid to large-scale) projects. As a freelancer she is responsible of the organization of the lecture series ‘Auditorium 2019-2020: ‘There’s no place like home ’ of Stad & Architectuur, Leuven. Adrien Meuwly Comte/Meuwly Founded in 2017 by Adrien Comte and Adrien Meuwly. The projects of Comte/Meuwly seek to offer maximum freedom of use, by seeking simple and effective architectural strategies. They are characterized by their specific relationship with the context in the broadest sense of the term, systematically integrating territorial, societal, economic and ecological concepts into their architecture. Adrien Comte and Adrien Meuwly are involved in numerous research and teaching projects through their teaching positions in various universities in Switzerland. They work in collaboration with artists, architects, engineers and researchers to enrich their skills and broaden their field of action. Saurabh Mhatre Saurabh Mhatre is a trained Architect with a Masters Degree in Urban Design from the Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL. He is passionate about the simple complexities of the urban form and the resulting drawing cultures. Saurabh and Venkat are currently teaching at Rachana Sansad’s Academy of Architecture and are conducting a studio in Urban Design; where the said complexities are systematically deciphered and represented using drawing as a polemic / tool for speculation. Ola Mirecka Ola Mirecka and Iga Górniak grew up in Poland and both studied Design at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw. After completing their studies, Ola moved to London, where in 2012 she graduated from the Royal College of Art and in 2014 she moved to Denmark to work as a designer with LEGO Group. Iga joined LEGO Group as an intern in Denmark after completing her studies in Warsaw and later enrolled at Kolding Design School to study Design for Play graduating in 2019. Despite their parallel design journeys, they met for the first time in Denmark. As children, we explore the world through imagining, creating and experimenting. Ola and Iga believe that as adults, there’s no need to stop this boundaryless approach to creative thinking. Working together under a name Iglo Project they use play elements to create experiences, workshops and exhibitions that provoke thoughts and engage users in various interactions. Alongside this collaboration, both designers run their own independent companies sharing the studio space. Penelope Plaza Penelope Plaza is an Urban Artivist, Architect and Researcher. She has run a series of small-scale playful urban interventions in Caracas, Venezuela, as member of the collective Ser Urbano and co-founder of Collectivox. Penelope’s research intersects petrocultures, lived experience of public space and creative practice. https://penelopeplaza. Alberto Pottenghi Graduated in Architecture from the Milan Polytechnic in 2006, he also attended the Faculty of Architecture of the QUT (Brisbane, AUS). He has collaborated with YASUI Architects and Engineers (Tokyo, JP) and with Claudio Silvestrin Architects (London, UK). He is co-founder of MONOatelier , based in Milan and Porto since 2009. From 2011 until 2018 he collaborated at the Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio (CH), with Valentin Bearth, Eduardo Souto de Moura and, since 2013, with Francis Kéré, leading the Building Reality construction workshop in various sub-Saharan African countries. From 2017 he is research associate at the chair of Architectural Design and Participation, at TUM Munich (DE). He is currently guest lecturer at the Advanced Design Studio: New Tools at YALE (New Haven, USA).