IDW 2020

25 Venkatkrishnan Ashok Venkatkrishnan Ashok is a trained Architect with an experience spanning over 15 years. He is passionate about the connections between abstract art and Architecture and all that falls in between. Venkat and Saurabh are currently teaching at Rachana Sansad’s Academy of Architecture and are conducting a studio in Urban Design; where the said complexities are systematically deciphered and represented using drawing as a polemic / tool for speculation. Phoebe Blackburn Phenomenal Words (Berlin/ Paris) Phoebe is a freelance communications and sustainability consultant in Berlin, with a focus on circular economy. Prior to this, she worked for the French Embassy in London, where she was Deputy cultural attaché for two years, followed by 8 years at an energy group in London and Paris working on corporate responsibility and communications. An active member of global network Circulab since 2015, her activity today includes workshops using creative tools and gamification to explain the circular economy model as a way to transform organisations, support a regenerative economy and avoid waste. Recent clients include Stadtfarm in Berlin, the world’s first known commercial ‘circular’ fish and vegetable farm, WWF, Erasmus+, for which she trains teachers on how to bring multi- disciplinarity to students. Phoebe is also passionate about dustbins from a culture and design perspective: her photo project Les Plu’Belles, dustbins from around the world, has been shown in Paris and Berlin. Anđelka Bnin-Bninski Anđelka Bnin-Bninski, PhD, is an architect and interdisciplinary researcher. She has specialized in theory of arts and media (University of Arts in Belgrade, 2009) and philosophy of architecture (École Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Paris-La Villette, 2014). She teaches studio design and methodology courses at the University of Belgrade – Faculty of Architecture. Her recently defended PhD thesis “The role of the architectural drawing in the dynamics of living space partition” is in the fields of philosophy and theory of architectural drawing and it is based on drawing practice in architectural analysis. Her current investigations are focused on strategies and tactics of architectural drawing research. Phoebe Brady Phoebe Brady is an architect whose work spans teaching, design, exhibition and mapping. As a Design Fellow at the School of Architecture, University College Dublin, she is a studio tutor and discusses landscape, design communication and the role of public engagement in architectural practice through workshops and presentations. She practices in Dublin with GKMP Architects. They have exhibited at the Chicago Architecture Biennial 2015 and the Venice Architecture Biennale 2018 and were also nominated for the EU Mies Prize 2018. Phoebe has also worked with the Irish Architecture Foundation as coordinator of Open House Dublin. She has contributed to publications such as Architectural Ireland and Building Material, and to the AIARG 7 research conference, presenting “Mapping Urban Living Space” with Sarah Doheny - an illustrated essay, that examines the production, disruption and perception of public space. Adrien Comte Comte/Meuwly Founded in 2017 by Adrien Comte and Adrien Meuwly. The projects of Comte/Meuwly seek to offer maximum freedom of use, by seeking simple and effective architectural strategies. They are characterized by their specific relationship with the context in the broadest sense of the term, systematically integrating territorial, societal, economic and ecological concepts into their architecture. Adrien Comte and Adrien Meuwly are involved in numerous research and teaching projects through their teaching positions in various universities in Switzerland. They work in collaboration with artists, architects, engineers and researchers to enrich their skills and broaden their field of action. Luigi Coppola Luigi Coppola (Belgium/Italy) is an artist, activist and promoter of participative projects and politically-motivated actions. His artistic practice is connected with the process of social reappropriation of the commons that starts with an analysis of specific social, political, and cultural contexts. He trained both as a scientist as well as in the field of art. Luigi is involved with Casa delle Agriculture, a project in south Italy, which seeks to revive abandoned land, repopulate the countryside, generate a sustainable economy and strengthen community cohesion. Luigi was joint Artistic Director with Michelangelo Pistoletto of the Urban Art Biennale in Bordeaux and part of the research group Art in Society at the Fontys Academy of Tilburg, NL. In 2017/2018 he was a fellow at BAK, basis voor actuele kunst, Utrecht, NL. Oliver Froome-Lewis Oliver Froome-Lewis engages the everyday in Endurance Walking, Mapping and Map-Making in London, he has created ‘propositional’ maps and events for Olympic Legacy in London’s East End, The London Design Museum and The London Festival of Architecture. His research addresses mapping tactics drawing upon experimental fiction and current practices in Fine Art. Biographies workshop leaders