IDW 2020

22 23 The P.G.A. - Public Gathering Activator #16 by Lula Marcondes and Diego Inglez de Souza THE IDEA Following the steps of the T.A.D. (Terreiro 1 Activation Device), a mobile device built during the IDW 2019 that aims to integrate people at the public spaces, P.G.A. – Public Gathering Activator comes to life as an object to receive and welcome people in the public space setting up a platform of urban resilience towards the right of the city. Supported by T.A.D., the object will be designed to improve the quality of the public space in its sense of collectiveness, and, instead of being mo- bile, it will be fixed in a determined place to be chosen during the workshop. The purpose of T.A.D.’s intervention remains for the P.G.A. as a statement of resilience: “to trigger, through a celebration with food and music, an inter- cultural integration at the public spaces”. THE PROJECT - Design and build the P.G.A. Pavilion , a 2,40m x 2,40m prototype for a small gathering space; - Propose the activation of public spaces through P.G.A.; - Design graphic contents for the public interven- tions; - Retrofit and incorporate T.A.D. – Terreiro 1 Activa- tion Device (IDW 2019) to host live and electronic music and to work as a booth to serve food to invite people; - Connect with people/place/community with diverse cultural and social backgrounds. The prospects students may be interested in - Hands on projects; - Art and graphic design to work on graphic contents for the street interventions; - Product development; - Becoming multiplicators and advertise the interven- tions; - Social and cultural issues; - Challenges beyond comfort zone. How soon is now!? Microstations to provoke and reduce estrangement #17 by Múcio Jucá Vasconcellos and Julien Ineichen Cities in various parts of the world are catalyzing long-term projects that improve and create public spaces, such as the capping of Antwerp ring road. It motivates people to rethink their habits, collectively decide about their needs and promote encounters and exchanges that these spaces enable. But this can only happen between two com- munities when they engage in a process to reduce estrangement between them. This so-called estrange- ment is the result of low degree of common values and a high degree of isolation between a group of people in a community or neighborhood. The pro- posed workshop seeks to establish a link between the communities Luchtbal and Lambrechtshoek, in order to facilitate communication and decision-making in the future. The idea of this workshop is to provoke the inte- gration through (information, photographs) that shall be produced by the participants and then exposed in microstations of urban information, to be locat- ed in public spaces located both in Luchtbal and in Lambrechtschoeken. The goal is to connect with people / community with a diverse cultural and social approach, and pro- mote the debate about the city with residents of both communities, focusing on their wishes for the future. And the latter shall be documented and recorded. 1 Strip, space or portion of flat and exten- sive land. Space of land used for culti- vation. Unshrouded earth space. Small yard, usually clay, located on the exterior of a house; terrace or roof. Place for the celebration of Afro-Brazilian cults: terrei- ro de macumba. Type of square or square located within a city, town or village.