IDW 2019

by Helena Dietrich & Rocio Marano liminal habitat by Marion Devillers & Lise Pérot material screen This workshop proposes an embodied approach to design. We are questioning the preconceptions about what a body is and from which body, environments are designed: A body who is not a concept or image but a multilayered experience, formed by sensations, emotions, thoughts, memories, dreams, fantasy. It is through a body that we experience environments; a body is the starting point to engage with and shape the spaces around and in- between us. Students will be guided into sensorial and movement exploration of their body and their environments from a visual to a tactile perspective and from experiential anatomy to imaginary body designs. These explorations might alter or deconstruct one’s selfperception and create awareness of the complex architectures of bodies and their relations to environments. It is from this awareness that we start to design interior surroundings. The workshop is in itself is a liminal space where we deliberately wish to linger in a state of non-definition or not-yet-formed. We want to take the time to develop modes of production that value uncertainty, delay, floating attention and dream-like states as part of a design process. Opposite to how we often deal with problem solving on a rational level, the embodied approach puts lived experience at the core of the process. What kind of unknown identities and spaces does this approach open? The addition of the image to reality gives both a new dimension, a kind of fourth dimension. Abel Gance Is liminality a tangible space? Is liminality a defined moment? This workshop consists in designing and manufacturing a tangible sculptural space which is modified by video projections. We will start to define its shape, its structure and the scale of its material and porosity to light, as well as the ability of this space device to act as a screen. A liminal space has the qualities of an intermediary space. It precedes a space as it closes another. It is both the space and the time of change and of continuity. Liminality is subordinate and conditioned by this before and this after. We will aim to materialize this opening moment to highlight its deep articulation nature. The challenge will be to make possible the simultaneous perception of the moments leading up and following the liminality moment. In order to increase this spatial potential, we will try to minimize it physically, as we will try to make it infinite by the projected images. These sound images, based on the volume, will change the perception of space and will allow manipulating time. They will lead to intimate as to the infinitely large. Thus we will seek a hybridization process where deepens its in- between character. Marion Devillers is a sculptor and an architect; Lise Pérot is a scenographer. Throughout this collective adventure, our respective practices will complement each other to accompany the birth of this composite space. LINEARITY - SIMULTANEITY - FRAGMENTATION - DUPLICATION What will be the Visual narrative, which will be played here?