IDW 2019

Venkatkrishnan Ashok Venkatkrishnan Ashok is a trained Architect with an experience spanning 15 years. He is passion- ate about the connec- tions between abstract art and Architecture and all that falls in between. Venkatkrishnan and Saurabh are currently teaching at Rachana Sansad’s Academy of Architecture and are conducting a studio in Urban Design; where the said complexities are systematically deciphered and represented using drawing as a polemic / tool for speculation. Hande Ayanoğlu Hande Ayanoğlu has been working as an Assistant Pro- fessor at IADE, Universidade Europeia and giving classes in undergraduate (Interaction Design and Ergonomics) and graduate design degree (Master in Interaction Design and Master in Product and Space Design). She is the coordinator of Master in Product and Space Design. Also, she is a research- er in UNIDCOM/IADE Research Unit since 2014. She has been actively collaborating with researchers in several other disciplines, namely computer science, psychology, architec- ture, ergonomics and design. She’s been part of research projects concerning Product Design, Interaction Design, Smart Environments Emotional Design and Human-Robot Interaction. Anna & Eugeni Bach Anna & Eugeni Bach is a Finnish-Spanish team based in Barcelona working on a broad concept of architecture, design and arts. Their projects have been widely published in national and international magazines, and have been exhibited in venues like the Spanish Pavilion at the Venice Biennale 2016 (Golden Lion) and in the solo exhibition “Elective Affinities”. Some highlights from their awards and recognitions include the nomination to the Mies van der Rohe Awards and the Nomina- tion to the Iakov Chernikhov International Prize for Young Architects as well as the In- ternational FAD Award. Among their projects, their interven- tion “Mies Missing Materiality”, which radically transformed Mies van der Rohe´s Barcelona pavilion, recently gained inter- national attention. Anna is a PDI Professor of Inte- rior Design at EINA, Barcelona University of Art and Design and Eugeni is an Associate Professor of Architecture in the Barcelona School of Architecture (ETSAB) and guest lecturer at Pamplona School of Architecture (UNAV). José Cadilhe José Cadilhe graduated as an architect from the Escola Superior Artística do Porto, Portugal, in 2005 and obtained a Master’s degree in Architec- ture and Urbanism at the Archi- tectural Association School of Architecture - Design Research Laboratory, London, in 2012. In 2009, he founded his archi- tectural practice dIONISO LAB. The work tries to challenge contemporary architecture with innovative concepts and new design approaches. The studio is also a research platform that is strongly engaged with material experimentation and transformative processes. His work has been awarded with several national and international awards and published worldwide. Recently, he received the European Architecture and Design Award 40under40 and considered one of the Europe’s most important and emerging young architects and designers. Nayari Castillo-Rutz Lic. Lic. MFA, Nayari Castil- lo-Rutz Molecular Biologist and Artist (MFA Public Art and New Artistic Strategies, Bauhaus-Universität, Weimar, DE). Specialized in Public Art her interventions engage with history, time and space, with especial emphasis in experiments in perception and engagement. Castillo has won multiple prizes and bursaries including the Bursary for the Arts of the city of Graz (AT) and the CIFO prize 2014, Miami (USA). She has worked as coordinator of international projects - Stories from the Edge ( ) and more recently - Inverting Bat- tlefields ( . She has work as lecturer and invited professor in several uni- versities, especially at the IZK at TU, at the moment she works as University Researcher at the Institute of Spatial Design. Chiara Cavalieri Chiara Cavalieri is Architect and PhD in Urbanism (IUAV Venice). Over the last years, she collaborated and taught in the field of architecture and urbanism at a number of different international institu- tions, i.e. UCL Louvain, EPFL Lausanne, ENSAP Lille, ITMO S. Petersburg, GSD Harvard, IUAV Venice. She was involved in several research programs, such as “Espace Bleu de l’Eurométropole” (EPFL; Studio PaolaViganò), “Horizontal Metropolis: a radical project” (EPFL), exhibited at Bozar (2018) and at the Venetian Biennale (2016), “Ignis Mutat Res: Energie et recyclage” (IUAV; Studio Secchi-Viganò) and “Water and asphalt: the project of isotropy” (IUAV). She is currently professor in Urban- ism at UCLouvain and member of executive committee of Habi- tat research Center, EPFL. Annelies Claeskens Annelies graduated in product development in 2013. She con- tinued her path at Samsonite where she designed hard case luggage. In 2016 she won a red dot award for one of her designs. She moved to P&G where she is currently working as a product designer and design strategist for homecare brands like dreft, mr. Clean and Swiffer. Her work focusses on ecology and consumer experience. Filip Collin Explores as an artists the different techniques behind the abstraction of his own ob- servations. He tries to create a new formal language depicting clear essentialised shapes. His mediums are drawing, collages and neonlight. Marion Devillers Marion Devillers lives and works in Montpellier where she currently is a tenured professor of visual arts at the school of Architecture. She is a graduate in archi- tecture of ENSAPB (the national school of architecture Paris-Belleville) and was later trained to ceramic through several apprenticeships both in France and in India. Her architectural background leads her work to focus on the dialogue between form and physical resistance of material. Nowadays she works as a visual artist. Her sculptures aim to define space as a con- structive idea of materiality. Helena Dietrich The German performance artist Helena Dietrich is since six years working and living in Brussels. After her Master in Visual Communication at the Merz Academy Stuttgart, she conducted a research project at a.pass in Brussels. Her artistic approach is often process-based and involves the audience as participants at different stages. She is in- terested in creating situations, where, through atmospheric installations, objects, images and costumes transformative experiences can take place. Her work has been exhibited amongst others at Hebbel am Ufer Berlin, Beursschouwburg Brussels, WoWmen festival, Playground festival, Buda Ko- rtrijk, Something Raw festival, Hors Pistes / Cinema Galeries Brussels. She is currently involved in a research project at Kask Ho- geschool and teaches at Luca school of arts. Filip Fransen Filip Fransen, Design Director, Filip brings 17 years of inflight experience to the table working for deSter. DeSter is a industry market leader creating and producing cpmfort and meal concepts onboard airlines. Having worked in Asia since 2007, he has been involved in major airline projects such as Singapore airlines, Cathay Pacific, Kingfisher, Thai air- ways, China Southern, Air New Zealand, Jetstar, as well as retail electronics projects such as Philips. Since 2018 he works again in Belgium leading targeted design projects with a focus on service design. Filip holds a Master in product development and is PMP certified. Christelle Gualdi Christelle Gualdi is an architect working mostly as architectural consultant and researcher for prospective agencies. She’s the architectural manager of the international project developer LIFE working on international large scale housing project, defining identities, new living typologies and researching about co-living. She worked several years at MVRDV in Rotterdam and Architecture Action in Paris, gave workshops and lectures in architecture schools in Europe. She collaborated with large advertising and retail companies in Paris and cul- tural institutions like Palais de Tokyo. She recently worked on the book ‘Door to Door: Future of the Vehicle, Future of the City’ (2016) about the impact of new transportation systems and the sharing economy on our cities and our urban lives. She graduated from the Ecole d’Architecture de la Ville et des Territories in Marne-La-Vallée and TU Delft. She works in Paris and in Belgium. Nina Haarsaker Since 2013 Nina Haarsaker has been in charge of the second semester of Architecture studies. She is currently in charge of the cross-discipli- nary idea-generating course “Experts in Team - FORM lab”, in addition to the last semester of Master in Architecture at NTNU. She graduated as architect from NTNU in 2001, after studies in aesthetics - and later architecture studies in Trondheim, Madrid, Delft and Lund. Her last completed con- struction project was in 2014: Her pro- fessional focus are on creative methods, materials & tectonics and case studies within the educational milieu Making is Thinking at NTNU, which aims to challenge architectural de- sign habits by offering courses and workshops that enable ex- periences of hands-on making and performative actions. NTNU. Norwegian University of Science and Technology. Facul- ty of Architecture and Design. Department of Architecture and Technology. Center for FORM, TRANSark and Making is Thinking. . Franziska Hederer DI. Dr. techn. Franziska Heder- er is Associate Professor at the Institute of Spatial Design at Graz University of Technology. With her study On the Oscillat- ing Boundaries of Architecture she received the venia docendi for Spatial Perception and Experimental Design in 2015. Her research and teaching focuses on the exploration of artistic practices, especially the performing arts, as tools for spatial perception and for sensitizing our understanding of space. She also realizes performances in public space and from 2011 until 2018 she served as coordinator of the architecture program at FORUM STADTPARK Graz. Teaching activities at University of Liv- erpool, University of Antwerp, KTH Stockholm, University of Nova Gorica and University of Applied Arts Vienna. JanWillem Hoftijzer Industrial designer JanWillem Hoftijzer (MSc) worked for several design agencies in the Netherlands. Today, he teaches and manages design drawing education and staff at the faculty of Industrial Design Engineering, Delft University of Technology, and he is a chair of the international Special Inter- est Group ‘Design Sketching’. JanWillem believes that sketching is a crucial compe- tence for all designers, even more so for design students. Citing John Ruskin (1856): “the discipline of drawing tunes the sensitivity of the drawer to a higher pitch, it refines the drawer’s vision”, he believes you need draw to be able to see. Next to his job that concerns the design drawing discipline, JanWillem works part-time on his PhD research project called ’Designing for Do-It-Yourself’. Instagram: delftdesigndrawing Instagram: designsketch- ingSIG Hannes Hulstaert With a background in architec- ture, Hannes has progressively expanded his creative and the- oretical boundaries as an artist. Primarily active as a maker and videographer, he continuously observes his surroundings and the subconscious ethology. His films illustrate irrationalities of the trans-urban landscape. His installations and artworks aim to inconvenience the in- teraction between humans and their daily objects to further question their habits. Further- more, he takes active part in the research of sustainability within the design practice and the business of the food industry. With an abundance of interests and skills, such as speculative design, architectural acu- puncture, hacking, moulding, woodwork and audio-visual arts, he conveys his concerns about a society that has lost its self-awareness. His works and theoretical writings have earned him to win e.g. the Henry van de Velde Prize 2015 and a number of publications for an unconventional approach towards architecture and beyond. Biographies