IDW 2019

#1 by JanWillem Hoftijzer Sketching techniques for creativity When designing objects or clothes or buildings or systems, all steps and stages of the process require visual communication; design ideas and concepts can only be discussed, assessed, liked or disliked in case they have been depicted in sketches or draw- ings. From a designer’s perspective, sketching functions as a language for the designer: sketching helps you to visually suggest ideas and solutions that are not there yet: the liminal space between what was and what will be. It enables you to communicate with every- body involved: partners, users, managers, clients. With that in mind, this series of workshop sessions offers a variety of professional sketching techniques, materials and tools. These techniques will stimulate your creativity, and help you to apply clarity, composi- tion and ‘chairoscuro’ to your design sketches. The series of workshop sessions is built around a challenging trajectory of design exploration, explana- tion. Each stage of the process to run will be executed using specific and suitable visualization techniques. #2 by Hande Ayanoglu Designing Smart Products for Smart Outdoors The world is going digital and the digital world is becoming smarter and more complicated. Interaction design helps how users would interact with digital technology and it focuses on creating engaging smart products with well thought out behaviors. Our spaces are also becoming smart due to technol- ogy of which are mostly indoors (e.g., smart houses). However, turning outdoors (i.e., public spaces) to become smarter is more of a challenge due to the number of users. Designing Smart Outdoors is a possible application scenario of Internet of Things (IoT) which is a leading path to a smart world with ubiquitous computing and networking. Thus, IoT is capable to provide all the information and characteristics necessary for a smart outdoor ecosystem and thereby smart products. A liminal space is the time between the ‘what was’ and the ‘next’ and in order to create smart outdoors, it is essential to understand what is the current situa- tion, which products are included in the environment and which products can be included in order to design the ‘next’. The workshop aims to provide skills concerning the ideation part of interaction design, which are at the basis of designing interactive solutions, particularly those of smart products, characterized from the point of view of user centered design and user experi- ence. The workshop’s main objective is to generate solutions for a smart outdoor ecosystem with smart products by understanding the needs and require- ments of users. #3 by Filip Fransen (deSter) Airplane meal service design thinking project How may we create a new type of Business Class meal service that offers choice, improves quality of the meal and creates a convenient experience by using technol- ogy and questioning today’s status quo? Through rapid technological and digital advance- ments, the world and how we live is changing tre- mendously. This is also reflected in how we eat, drink and travel. Passengers want convenience, quality at our fingertips, anytime during the day. This is no difference when it comes to experiencing food on a plane. Therefore, many airlines look to bring a new food experience that is in line with the way passen- gers travel nowadays. In business class people don’t necessarily expect a classic fine dining dinner experi- ence. Perhaps they look for a great meal before flying, or they just want to be surprised, maybe they want to ensure they know what they eat for dietary reasons. Technology is allowing us to rigorously change the way food conventionally is served on board. Besides technology, food is a basic real need for human beings, that has an increasing value on our life quality as it is emotional, and tangible compared to the large part of our life that has become digitalized. In this 5 day workshop, after a brief introduction into the airline world, we will use design thinking tech- niques to come up with a new service philosophy to bring a food experience to a Business Class passen- ger. We will guide you through a step by step creative process, that will unlock your creativity and narrow down ideas into a valuable new concept. The result will not be technical drawings, yet a visualization of a conceptual service concept. workshops BACHELOR PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT