IDW 2019

by Lula Marcondes and Diego Inglez de Souza T.A.D. - terreiro* activation device by Christelle Gualdi shift/share Liminality is a very attractive and resourceful concept in architecture. It can be defined as the conceptual, ephemeral relationships between people and spatial environments. Most traditional architectural practices are orientated around building programming and objects rather than human experience. Life itself, fictions, experiences and situations, all transitional moments are the starting point of my architectural approach: designs where life stories and potential can unfold. What kind of spaces and identities do we create for those different states of being? What are the qualities of liminal spaces and what kind of (enriched) life experiences can they bring? With these questions applied to the workshop, we could approach transitional spaces, liminal spaces as moments that can give birth to thoughts. Moments when creativity will open the door to future opportunities. Your own student life in our fast changing and challenging society becomes a great base for engaging active design strategies. A period where you move across the limits of what you were towards what you will be. We will use the reconversion of the Prinsenhove student housing complex in Antwerp as a case study to explore and challenge innovative and integrative designs informed by liminality. We have here the opportunity to see the potential for transition and transformation of an existing structure in an existing social context. You become able to create your own life fictions from this transition. We will work on the blurred lines of private and shared spaces, requalify time in space use, dissolve social boundaries, challenge preconceived ideas, question appropriation and stimulate potential to create new realities. Terreiro* Activation Device — Manifesto for an Intercultural Placemaking Terreiro Strip, space or portion of flat and extensive land. Space of land used for cultivation. Unshrouded earth space. Small yard, usually clay, located on the exterior of a house; terrace or roof. Place for the celebration of Afro-Brazilian cults: terreiro de macumba. Type of square in portuguese and brazilian cities and villages. Place of celebrations, rituals, demonstrations and meetings. The Idea Design and build a mobile device, object or furniture as a key element to trigger, through a celebration with food and music, an intercultural integration at the public spaces. This device will be designed as a multifaceted object set up to host live and electronic music and to work as a booth to cook and serve food. Brazilian culture and references as a strategy to congregate and mix different populations, origins and ages living in liminal social and urban conditions in specific sites of Antwerp. The Project – – Design and build the T.A.D. using mainly recycled materials and transforming existing objects – – Design a graphic content for the Manifesto – – Connect with people/place/community with a diverse cultural and social texture – – Propose the activation of the space through T.A.D. – – Advertise the encounter; – – Design and build musical instruments for the Street Orchestra that integrate public and players on corteges that follows the movements of the T.A.D. and celebrates its arrival in a ritual – – Set up the T.A.D. with traditional food from the different social/ethnic groups – – Set up the T.A.D. with sound and video equipment to play music and videos – – Organize and curate another editions and places where T.A.D. can be, suggesting audio and visual contents coordinated Smith social and cultural activites for the T.A.D. Student may be interested in – – Hands on projects – – Art – – Music – – Visual Poetry – – Social and cultural issues; – – Challenges beyond comfort zone