IDW 2021

10 11 #6 No Time For Leisure: Negotiating Public Space In Luchtbal By Pablo Calderón Salazar The word negotiation comes from the latin negotia- tio , in turn from negotium . Neg- being a negation and -otium referring to leisure: a negotiation is a serious business that has little to do with leisure or free time. But what if we were ro reclaim the practice of negotiation for claiming (public) spaces for/through leisure? How could this be encouraged and support- ed by design? My workshop will be focused on the identities present in the neighbourhood and how they manifest in public space. Youngsters take ownership of public spaces via their favourite activities (playing football, boxing, dancing or doing slam poetry). How can we support them in ‘claiming’ the spaces and building up an identity around them? Days 1 and 2 of the workshop will be dedicated to discovering and mapping the different public spaces in Luchtbal, led by the diverse groups of youngsters from JES. In days 3 and 4 we will design and build the elements (visual and physical infrastructure) repre- sentative of each of the groups. Day 5, during the Fes- tival of the Meantime, we will propose a performative action, by which the different groups of youngsters claim and negotiate the spaces between them and other groups of local citizens. The photographic and video documentation of the final performance will be in charge of the students, who will devise it as a piece on its own. #7 Stories of Luchtbal By Sofie Dieltjens A place is defined by the people who live there and the stories that take place/found there. We want to harvest those stories: detect them, capture them and pass them on. In this way we can experience the identity of the neighbourhood as it is today, bring it to the surface, make it tangible and share it: with the neighbourhood and its residents themselves, who can experience their collective home through these stories, and furthermore with other areas of the city, so that they too can hear and see the neighbourhood as it is, and get to know it on its own terms. In this workshop we will explore sustainable methods to capture, document and publish these stories, in a structured way. - Under which circumstances are people willing to share their story? - How can we support people in telling their story? - And lastly, in what way can we share these sto- ries, holding space for both the collective and the individual? How can these stories contribute to the identity of and love for the neighbourhood, both of its own resi- dents as of bystanders, neighbours, passers-by...? The workshop is given by Studio Dott in collabora- tion with VRT.