IDW2022 brochure

18 19 # 1 6 # 1 7 1 Urban legends in the making by Kitti Baracsi What is a place without stories? What if they can help themaking of a not-yet place by experiencing its present in our imagination? The workshop aims at experimenting through the power of imagination together with children of 10-14 years old to create an already present at the construction site through specific urban legends about it. Based on an inquiry into what is the human heritage of Luchtbal, we engage in an exercise of imagination through which we can create the legends of the place. A place yet to be constructed needs a story yet to be written, but the elements are rooted in the surrounding areas’ human heritage, the way people live and narrate their lives. Narrating those lived experiences along with desires, creates the continuum between past, present and future. The workshop builds on Luchtbal’s local knowledge, as well as the exploration of what is/will be happening ‘over the ring’. Through collective mapping, recording of sounds, photos, videos we create the base for the exercise of imagination. We collectively design and construct an installation (both digitally projected and physically constructed) to recreate the imagined legends and create a moment of celebration. Ideally, we can turn this moment into a small carnival, inspiring the subversion by the imagined ‘urban legends’, turning bodies into ‘constructions’ that carry around their ‘yet to be lived’ stories. CIRCULAR STATE OF FREEDOM by Nina Haarsaker, Hanna Landfald Hanssen & Gro Rodne Waiting for something else opens for possibilities to engage, invite, make, form former impossibilities, and if with great success: changing the ongoing process and plans, and continue for decades ahead. The feeling of taking chances, no fear. Being in a design process always challenges us into being in the in-between, the liminal and the uncertain. In this workshop you will be working directly and bold as a group with the simple and what we find “a lot of” of resources and materials. The goal is to rediscover what we find the most valuable in life. What is freedom? What is the strength of the meantime? Anything and the strange can happen. 3 2 1