IDW 2024

21 20 #9 Sonic Friction by Colette Aliman The workshop, “Sonic Friction”, explores the impact of noise pollution on urban design, focusing on innovative solutions through speculative and science fiction design methodologies. This one-week program delves into noise pollution’s socio-political dimensions and regulatory frameworks, drawing inspiration from archaeocoustic technology and design principles. Throughout the workshop, participants form multidisciplinary teams that will learn how to contribute and collaborate from knowledge of their field of study and learn from others. Students will choose from various topics showcasing how archaeocoustics can inform urban design for more harmonious cities. These topics include: historical soundscapes, historical sonic architectural elements, soundscape preservation, acoustic design of public spaces, building design, acoustic zoning, soundscape assessment, community engagement, acoustic art installations, educational initiatives and regulatory frameworks. The workshop unfolds over five days, with the initial day dedicated to understanding noise pollution’s current status, health implications, and socio-economic aspects in urban planning. Participants explore archaeoacoustics, focusing on historical sound management techniques within architecture. In subsequent days, collaborative groups craft speculative design proposals inspired by archaeoacoustics. These proposals address various socioeconomic issues related to noise pollution and city planning. Each group selects a sound and city context for inspiration, potentially focusing on Antwerp or their hometown. The final day involves presentations where groups showcase their ideas and discuss how these designs could be experienced in practical urban settings. Throughout the workshop, an integrative approach ensures crossdisciplinary engagement and problem-solving, emphasizing the collective strength of diverse skill sets and fostering inclusive, collaborative solutions to the challenges posed by noise pollution in urban environments.