ConNext 2023

SESSION 3 – BINDERS, ADHESIVES AND CONSOLIDANTS PROGRAMME 27 Pia Neitemeier (HAWK) – The adhesive strength of gelatine in comparison to conventional hide and bone glues. 28-29 Ana Oñate Muñoz et al. (ENSAV) – Bonding historical leather bookbindings – A comparative study in search for alternatives to wheat starch paste. 30-31 Nora Stanislawski (TH Köln - CICS) – The Senftenberger-Ei of the designer PtheeteerxGamhypclzeyo-Df aevberlookpemnegnatrodfernecshtoarira.tive measures for joining hard foam on 32-33 Amy Dixon and Jamie Rees (UoL) – Examination and treatment of two 15th century wooden roof angels of the Church of St. Edith, Grimoldby, Lincolnshire. 34-35 Kirstin Friese and Antonia Gerstner (FHP) – Art historical and technological eMxuasmeuinmatBioenrloinf .four wooden architectural elements from the German Historical 36-37 SESSION 4 – SURFACE PHENOMENA: UNDERSTANDING AND TREATING SURFACES PROGRAMME 41 Mafalda Afonso (IPT) – Several faces throughout the time – Decision processes during the treatment of a Baroque polychrome wood sculpture. 42-43 Luisa de Sousa (HAWK) – Zwischgold: characterization and use in medieval wood sculpture in the Lüneburg region. 44-45 Aspasia Kopsida (UvA) – Looking for synthetic dyes on wooden substrate wreistehatrhceh.use of themulti-spectral camera Crime-lite® AUTO: a preliminary 46-47 Pauline Natusch (HAWK) – Surface phenomena of transparent coatings on wood. 48-49 Abi Tudor (TH Köln – CICS) – Reconstruction of missing decoration on an Anglo-Indian Sadeli workbox from the early 19th Century. 50-51 ! "!#!"