ConNext 2023

27 19:00-19:20 KEYNOTE BY NANKE SCHELLMANN Schellmann Conservation, Munich, Germany 19:20-19:35 Pia Neitemeier (HAWK) [PAPER] strength of gelatine in comparison to conventional hide and 19:35-19:50 Ana Oñate Muñoz et al. (ENSAV) [PAPER] Bfoornadltinergnhaitsitvoersictaol wlehaethaterstbaorochkbpiansdtien. gs – A comparative study in search 19:50-20:00 Q&A 20:00-20:10 BREAK 20:10-20:25 Nora Stanislawski (TH Köln, CICS) [PAPER] Tr ehset oSreant fi tveenmb eeragseurr-eEsi foof rt hj oei ndiensgi ghnaerrd Pf oe taemr Go hn yt chzey e–x aDme vpel el oopfma ebnrtookfe n garden chair. 20:25-20:40 Amy Dixon and Jamie Rees (UoL) [PAPER] Et hxea mC hi nuar ct iho no faSntd. Et dr ei taht ,mGerni mt oofl dt wb yo, 1L 5i ntchocl ne ns ht ui rrey, wU Ko o. d e n r o o f a n g e l s o f 20:40-20:55 Kirstin Friese and Antonia Gerstner (FHP) [PAPER] Ae lretmhei snttosrfi cr oa lma nt hdet eGcehrnmoal ongHi ci as tl oerxiac aml iMn autsi oe unmo fBf oe rulri nw. o o d e n a r c h i t e c t u r a l 20:55-21:05 Q&A AND CLOSING REMARKS Programme Session 3