ConNext 2022

36 Nothing is as it seems Investigations into a 17th century kas KEYWORDS: Kas; cupboard; wood; furniture; joinery. This presentation will focus on the technical examination and conservation of a 17th century kas, or Dutch cupboard, in the H.F. du Pont Winterthur Collection (1952.0049). This research was made possible by funding from the Americana Foundation. Shortly before the kas was to be included in a 2014 exhibition of New York furniture at Winterthur, stylistic inconsistencies with other 17th century kasten were noted. Most prominently, the Winterthur kas included a large interior drawer bank instead of the pair of drawers which sit beneath the doors on other contemporary regional and European cognates. When subjected to deeper analysis many anomalies further surfaced surrounding the kas’s construction and decoration. This research was undertaken to determine if the kas had been significantly altered since its creation, and if so, to determine the closest representation of the original appearance. Literature research, visual observations, and technical analysis were undertaken to elucidate the most likely appearance of the early kas. The kas was subjected to visual examination both in normal light and ultraviolet radiation to determine areas of previous treatment and identify construction methods and materials. Cross sections were prepared of various surfaces to compare coating histories across the kas via reflected and ultraviolet light optical microscopy. Then, x-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (XRF) was performed over areas suspected to have been treated with ebonising materials to ascertain the pigments used for comparison to historic formulations. Furthermore, selected wood decorations were sampled to identify their species to provide information about the kas’s provenance. Findings supported the hypothesis that the kas no longer reflected its original appearance. Digital mock-ups based off of evidence gathered and historical cognates were shared for peer review amongst a group of furniture scholars familiar with kasten. The most likely representation of the original kas form agreed upon was selected as a basis for physical reconstruction of missing elements. A new cornice with a more likely profile, and lower drawer unit and turned feet will be constructed and attached in a reversible manner which preserves all evidence of original construction and past treatment to the kas to allow future study, if desired. emilynoel2334[at]