SESSION 5 – MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS PROGRAMME 69 Susanne Klug (TH Köln – CICS) – Concept for the conservation of an early square piano constructed in the second half of the 18 th century. 70 ‐ 71 Róisín Beirne (UoL) – Wood consolidation without colour change : Conservation of the Stickford Church Bell Clapper. 72 ‐ 73 Kaja Schonfelder (HAWK) – A baroque guitar made by Joachim Tielke, from the collection of the Germanisches Nationalmuseum Nürnberg. Examination of the manufacturing technique and experimental reconstruction of the multiple curved and inlayed body. 74 ‐ 75 Tirza Mol (UAntwerp) – The Conservation Treatment of a Prestigious Organ Clock Case. 76 ‐ 77 Luisa Lessinger (FHP) – The Electric Guitar Framus Atlantic 6. The importance of the electric guitar as a cultural asset. 78 ‐ 79 - ♥ -