
48 The ‘Jodocuslegende’ by Hans Raphon conservation concept for a late gothic altarpiece with a shrunken wooden support KEYWORDS: altar wing, 16 th century, flaking paint, shrunken wood, 3D measurement. The present master thesis focuses on the technological investigation and conservation of the Jodocuslegende , an altar wing by the artist Hans Raphon from the collection of the Niedersächsisches Landesmuseum Hannover (see figure left and right). Based on the associated middle shrine in the St. Christopherus Church Reinhausen, it can be dated to 1507. In progress of rebuilding the medieval department of the museum, the Jodocuslegende is now being investigated for the first time. The subject of the investigation is the technological structure of the support and paint layer. Since the altar wing is to be exhibited again, a major focus of the thesis also revolves around the conservation concept. This involves dealing with different damage factors which originate from the shrinking of the deformed wooden beam. The concept includes consolidating the flaking paint layer, a 3D measurement of the warped support and providing a concept for dealing with further wood movement. Due to the re-exhibiting of the wing, also a restoration concept is proposed, which involves the removal of wax coatings as well as filling and retouching. The presentation will focus on the conservational aspects of the thesis and show the measures developed. Finally, the results will present a functional altar wing, 16 th century, flaking paint, shrunken wood, 3D measurement of the warped support and providing a concept for dealing with further wood movement. Due to the re-exhibiting of the wing, also a restoration concept is proposed which involves the removal of wax coatings as well as filling and retouching. The presentation will focus on the conservational aspects of the thesis and show the measures developed. Finally, the results will present a functional conservation concept and give an overview of the implementation. c.rachel.busse[at ]