#!/bin/bash # choose queue: qshort (1h), qreg (24h), qlong (72h), qxlong (168h) #PBS -q qlong # "name" of the job (optional) #PBS -N myJob # requested running time (required!) #PBS -l walltime=3:00:00 # specification (required!) # nodes= number of nodes; 1 for serial; 1 or more for parallel # ppn= number of processors per node; 1 for serial; up to 8 # if you want your "private" node: ppn=8 # mem= memory required #PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=1 # if you want to be sure to get your private node, simply claim all memory ;-) # #PBS -l pvmem=16000m # send mail notification (optional) # a when job is aborted # b when job begins # e when job ends # M your e-mail address (should always be specified) #PBS -m e #PBS -M anything@anydomain.com # redirect standard output (-o) and error (-e) (optional) # if omitted, the name of the job (specified by -N) or # a generic name (name of the script followed by .o or .e and # job number) will be used #PBS -o stdout #PBS -e stderr # go to the (current) working directory (optional, if this is the # directory where you submitted the job) cd $PBS_O_WORKDIR # the program itself echo Start Job date hostname echo ./a.out date echo End Job